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Portfolio management



Artifact information
Name and Description

Life Cycle details Plan

Phase in


Phase out



What artifact is planned to succeed this artifact?


What artifact has been succeeded by this artifact?


How important is this vendor for the company. (scale 1 - little to 5 - strategic)?


How could the overall quality of this vendor be rated. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?


Where is this IT Component running ?


Does this stack have a parent ?

Data classification

How would this data object be classified ?


How important is this application for the company. (scale 1 - little to 5 - strategic)?

Fit for purpose

How well does this Application fit from functional perspective. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?

How well does this Application fit from technical perspective. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?


How can this project be rated from risk perspective (scale 1 - low to 5 - very high)?

How can this project be rated from value perspective (scale 1 - low to 5 - very high)?


Does this user group have a parent ?


Does this business capability have a parent ?


Does this business process have a parent ?

Name and Description

Life Cycle details Plan

Phase in


Phase out



What artifact is planned to succeed this artifact?


What artifact has been succeeded by this artifact?


How important is this vendor for the company. (scale 1 - little to 5 - strategic)?


How could the overall quality of this vendor be rated. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?


Where is this IT Component running ?


Does this stack have a parent ? ?

Data classification

How would this data object be classified ?


How important is this application for the company. (scale 1 - little to 5 - strategic)?

Fit for purpose

How well does this Application fit from functional perspective. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?

How well does this Application fit from technical perspective. (scale 1 - poor to 5 - excellent)?


How can this project be rated from risk perspective (scale 1 - low to 5 - very high)?

How can this project be rated from value perspective (scale 1 - low to 5 - very high)?


Does this user group have a parent ?


Does this business capability have a parent ?


Does this business process have a parent ?

The following IT components are supplied by the vendor:

Services for the following projects are supplied by the vendor:

This IT Component is supplied by the following vendors:

This IT Component is part of the following applications:

This IT component is part of the following Technology Stacks:

This IT component is used by the following User Groups:

This Technology stack consists of the following IT Components:

This Data Object is used within the following applications:

This Application consists of following IT Components:

This Application is used by the following User Groups:

This Applications makes use of the following Data Objects:

This Application is used within the following projects:

This Application serves the following Business Capabilities:

This Application serves the following Business Processes:

This Project is implemented by the following Vendors:

This Project is implementing the following Applications:

This User Group us making use of the following Applications:

This User Group is making use of the following IT Components:

This Business Capability is served by the following Applications:

This Business Process is served by the following Applications: